Friday, August 12, 2011


Last night I slept better than I have in years! I love my CPAP machine! YAY! I encourage anyone who even suspects you have sleep apnea to go see your Dr. and get checked if it is necessary! You would not believe how much more energy I had today! YAY!!!!!! If you snore, wake up with a very dry throat, headache or someone tells you that you stop breathing in your sleep, you may need to be checked. It will be worth it! I worked today and guess what? My ankles are closer to normal after a 12 hour shift than they have been in years! After one night! Can you tell I am excited?

Another reason I am excited Val got a job! YAY ME! It means soon she will be out of my house!

And just so you know 134 days until Christmas day! Has anyone started Christmas shopping yet?

This is a short post today. I am going to bed! TV is set and I hope I don't make it to Blue Bloods in just under one half hour! Goodnight my friends. I love y'all!

Pray for your friends and neighbors, I know I can use it!

I love y'all!
To be continued.................

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