Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bubba feels better already

Bubba is feeling so much better. The blisters on his little feet are healing, his nose isn't quite as runny, and he is not drooling quite as much. I am glad he is better.

Well, can you say HOT? It has gotten hot and humid again. I wish fall weather would come stay longer! It will be here soon. I filled 3 hummingbird feeders yesterday, they are going crazy!

I heard there was another earth quake today, in Puerto Rico. I don't know if it's true or not, but.....

Signs of the time are all around us. Please if you have lost loved ones, help them get in! Before it is too late......

I think this will be a short post tonight. I am tired and just got a call......IAPB call tomorrow and guess what! They are putting in one right now. I know they help people, but the past zillion times I have had call, I have had to go in. So, it is about bedtime for me.

I love y'all.
To be continued..............

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