Monday, July 8, 2013

Checking out the shortness of breath

So I have been having progressively more shortness of breath over the past several weeks. The past few days have been the worst yet with Friday and Friday night being the worst so far. Friday I became very diaphoretic (sweaty with cool skin) with profound shortness of breath and chest, throat and arm tightness while at work. I attributed it to hormones (hot flashes) but it got better with rest. I kept that in the back of my mind though. Friday night after I went to bed with my CPAP on, the tightness returned. I debated and took a nitroglycerin tablet which helped enough to let me sleep. Saturday morning the sweaty clammy thing happened again and resolved with rest. I tried to hide how I felt from our guests. We had a good time Saturday night. Sunday I was so short of breath I called in sick for today with intentions to go see Dr Avula this morning. I missed church and haven't heard how the service went. Breathing was just too short. Today I called and Dr Avula was out. David (his Physicians Assistant) was in so I made an appointment to see David. I didn't know Dr Collins was there and saw him. He explained about the diastolic dysfunction not letting my heart rest enough and since heart arteries are fed during rest, even open arteries suffer from lack of time to fill. He said the nitro was the correct thing to have done (relaxes smooth muscle lowering BP) the other night and added Clonidine to help with the relaxation phase of the heartbeat and lower my blood pressure. He also told me to take my as needed LASIX a little more right now until I'm less short of breath. He also insisted on my getting my blood sugar (only a bit high at 118) down some and my cholesterol (240!!!) down a lot! 

So, with a little compliance on my part, this will get better! 

I love all y'all! ❤
To be continued.....

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