Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's another new day

Woke this morning with a lot less pain. Made me happy. I am almost afraid to wish..... It's OK though. It is part of old age I guess. Mine anyway. Going to Dr Avula's office this morning. Appointment for med refills with David (PA). Nothing specific bothering me, just a check up. For years I only went to the Dr when I was sick and sometimes not even then. Now it's every 3 or 4 months for a checkup and med refill. Boo. I was hoping to stay healthy.

No aspartame update. I lost count a long time ago at the amount of time I have been aspartame free. Must have been a fluke about the joint pain because it has returned. I happened to have had a upper respiratory infection and was on steroids. Must have been the steroids that helped the joint pain. That too is OK! I'm off the aspartame. That is what is important. Now, if I could just get off the cola completely. I drink two to three a day. Was hoping to just drink one but water just doesn't cut it. I will try again though. That is a lot of sugar!

Oh, the sites you see! I am in Smiths Grove waiting to go to the Dr Office. I am in McDonalds. WOW! I thought for a minute I was back in the 60's!! Hippie looking for real and a lot older than me!!

I ask for prayers for my Uncle to continue. He now has good days and a few bad days mixed in. Unsure of course what the future holds! Also, please remember Rick's sister Sue's sister in law. (her husband's sister, Carol) Did you follow that? Carol is in the hospital with pneumonia. I say this as a friend, not as a nurse. She is not in my hospital. Another sister (Teresa) called yesterday to let me know she was sick. Please remember them in your prayers.

I think this is all for today, almost time to go in!
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36 KJV
I love all y'all!
To be continued..........

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