Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memories of a time when...

Some days there are fun to think about times when I was young. One of those times was 31 years ago when I bought my first car all by myself without any help from Pap (who nearly 'busted' a gasket). How could I buy a Dodge?!! It was easy!  Back up a bit....
Late winter 1982 passing a now non existent car lot on the bypass....looking left every time I day this car caught my eye. It was beautiful! It was sporty, good size but not a tank. I stopped and saw it had a clutch. I was so sad. I'd never driven a 5-speed before. What seemed like years passed but it was only a week or two. It was still there calling my name. Donna said you can drive it. I know you can. I will teach you. Well, I bought the car much to the dismay of my dad. You'd have thought I'd committed treason for buying a non GM product! He got over it though! I couldn't drive it off the lot the day I bought it but with in a short time Donna had me zooming around without a hitch. Within the first year I had to replace the clutch. :( but hey! It was mine!! Who knows, I might still be driving that car today had someone (NOT me!) not totaled it out on Beech Bend Road... Poor car!! 

I love all y'all! ❤
To be continued....

This is not my picture but this is exactly what my car looked like.... I love google! 

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