Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Friends who are like family.....where would we be without them!? (and our family?)

So today was one of the most difficult in the past 6 months or so. It was difficult for one reason because I went over across the river to be with a cousin for a few minutes. His wife died Sunday morning and her funeral was today. All I could do was tell him I knew how he felt. I couldn't stay. It was too hard. If you remember, Sandy has ESP or something because the whole time Rick was so sick she was right there just when I needed her. Don't misunderstand, many people were there for us the whole time but Sandy had a way of calling or showing up just when I needed a little bit extra help. Always. And today was no different. I posted on facebook that "That was hard" and she replied with '?' and then a message for me to stop by. I was driving after that and did not see the message. Nick called me to find out what was wrong. I told him about how I felt and he told me what Sandy posted. Just then she called me. I was back home and turning into her driveway before I knew it. She told me she had something for me. I opened the box and this ornament was in it along with a card with the following poem. We cried together. She has one from when her grandmother who raised her passed away. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Merry Christmas From Heaven

I still hear the songs,
I still see the lights
I still feel your love on cold wintry nights
I still share your hopes and all of your cares
I'll even remind you to please say your prayers
I just want to tell you, you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders above all the crowd
Keep trying each moment, to stay in His grace
I came here before you to help set your place
You don't have to be perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip, if you continue the climb
To my family and friends,
Please be thankful today
I'm still close beside you,
in a new special way
I love you all dearly,
now don't shed a tear
cause I'm spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year
--John Wm. Mooney, Jr

On a lighter note, Val had another ultrasound today and it looks like this baby will be a girl. I still hope she will name her Olivia. She has other ideas, so I guess that is out. Olivia Grace would be such a sweet name. I feel bad for Perry. He has it bad as a baby brother to Tobi, now he will be a middle child with sisters on either end. That will make him more special I think. Rick loved the babies, but he was especially fond of Tober. She was his girl. She still looks at his picture and remembers "papaw".

Please remember the reason for the season.

I love y'all

To be continued............

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