Friday, January 25, 2013

It's a blur

Over the past few weeks I've begun to notice the gradual onset of blurred vision even with my glasses on. There are times I can't find a happy place with the glasses. Driving during the dark hours had always been an issue, but of late the lights are very blurred and at certain angles seem lights are stacked when there is only one light. Watching TV is a bit of an issue. All the words are double stacked. The people aren't, and regular type is only slightly blurred. I'm thinking those #%** cataracts that were tiny 2 years ago may have grown :(

When I was in second grade, over spring break I had eye surgery for amblyopia. I was so sick after. I only have vague memories around that time, but sick is there. When I was in nursing school the first surgery I saw was cataract surgery. The anesthesiologist put me right at the top of the table with him and I lasted oh, about two minutes before I ran out and slid down the wall and all but passed out. Just the thoughts of having cataract surgery makes my ears ring and great nausea! What am I gonna do?!??!!

I cannot stand the thoughts of this. Wanna see more? Google image cataract surgery. Puke. Pass out. Puke. I can't take this!!

Pray for me!

On a sad note, we lost a member of our community today. Please keep the Hawks family in your prayers, especially over the next few days. Also, continue to remember those who have lost loved ones recently and those who have seriously ill family.

I love all y'all! ❤
To be continued.......

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