Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today I'm thankful for my friends

I couldn't begin to say who it was that posted the thing about aspartame. If it was you and you are reading this, I thank you. Your post prompted me to research aspartame and immediately stop using it. You may have added a few years to my life. Seriously. Thank you! I can breathe easier, I can walk easier, the constant chest heaviness is better. I have had ankle bones since Monday! its Wednesday! Still having vision issues but that may be related to this sinus infection or cold or whatever I have. I expect to keep seeing improvements! Thank you!! God does work in very mysterious ways AND sometimes I overlook His message because I'd rather not see it. He gave us free will as well so He may prompt us a time or three or warn us but if we keep overriding His message to us, He won't push Himself upon us if we don't want Him. The great part is- we can always go to Him and repent to His satisfaction and He is right there with open arms like we never left!

I love all y'all! ❤
To be continued......

The picture of Miss Luna climbing the wall after a laser light.... Makes her crazy!

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