Monday, February 18, 2013

Feeling better

Finally feeling better except for the cough. Took the last antibiotic pill this morning and only one more day of the steroids. I have to say I'm a believer in the dose pack for steroids- I believe they help us and everyone needs a good dose pack from time to time. Just my opinion as always! I do still have quite a cough but hey I can handle that!

It's been a good weekend as weekends go. Went to church yesterday, came home and fixed lunch with Nick. Didn't know friends were fixing dinner after church and didn't cook because I didn't know so I just came on home. Nick went to Janna's after lunch and I chilled. It was a nice afternoon! Didn't really feel up to going anywhere anyway after being sick.

I have to update on my no aspartame containing anything. It's going well and absolutely no withdrawals. Pretty sure at this point there wont be any. It's amazing to look down and see ankles. It's awesome to walk and not feel pain. It's even more awesome to get up and down without pushing myself up. No hanging onto rails to walk. And though I'm sure it's all the swelling, I've lost 11 pounds. I'm excited! The chest pressure that was constant is gone. The breathlessness feeling at rest is so much improved. Can't say 100% gone yet but so much better you wouldn't believe it. And cutting out aspartame is the ONLY change I've made. I'm a believer!

Got a message from Becky. She's Brandon's mom- Miss Livvys other grandma- Miss Livvy used the potty yesterday! Yay! She's not 2 until May 6!!

Please continue to remember your friends in your prayers!

I love all y'all! ❤
To be continued.....

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