Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just a few thoughts

66 days until Halloween...

91 Days until Thanksgiving!

121 days until Christmas Day!
Just in case you need updating.......

So, I had to work today. It was a good day. There were some things on my mind though. One of the things on my mind was a song Noots sung last night at prayer meeting. It is this song, these are words as close to how he sang it as I could find:

I Heard a Sweet Voice
I heard a sweet voice so tenderly calling
Saying arise be saved evermore
And I knew it must be the voice of my Savior
For I had not heard a voice like it before

I remember one night in an old fashioned meeting
I was praying to God to redeem my poor soul
When I heard the sweet voice of my lovin' Savior
And I started that night to make heaven my home

I'm glad that I heard the voice of my Savior
I know I'm redeemed by his wonderful grace
Someday when he calls I'll go up to Heaven
And then in that city I'll look on His face

I thought it was a beautiful song and so true, you know. His voice is so sweet and calming and reassuring. I could not have made the last 21 + months without Him! (and the support, love and prayers from my friends and family!)

CPAP is going well except early this morning (maybe about 3:30 am) my nose and sinuses were burning! It was like someone had put pepper spray in my machine! I know no one did, it just ran out of water! I will fill it up again in a few minutes and go to bed for the night. Gotta work Friday and Saturday too! I am blessed and grateful I have a job! There are so many people out there who do not have a job!

I think that each morning one month before Thanksgiving we should post something on our status on facebook stating what we are thankful for that day. I also thing we should try to not use the same post twice, though that may be a challenge! It will be for me! I did this last year and it really makes you think! Are you willing to try it? Maybe starting November first? I will remind you!

I think this is all for tonight. I hope y'all have a great rest of the evening and a peaceful night's sleep and wake in the morning to a beautiful day!

I love y'all!
To be continued.............

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