We have at least 3 inches of snow in my part of Wingfield. We have had more snow this year and last year than in the previous several years combined! Enough is enough! It is very pretty to look at as long as no one gets hurt and we don't have to get out and drive in it!
Christmas eve I visited my parents and took their Christmas gifts. I am scheduled to work Christmas day. I am hoping for call! I was hoping to have my family here for Christmas eve supper, but I guess I am kind of glad I didn't do it because of the snow. It feels weird this year anyway. I feel alone even in a room full of friends and family. I wonder how long it will take to get past this. I don't know how I am supposed to feel. It is weird because everyone else has someone else and my someone is gone. It just makes me sad. Nick asked me why I was thinking about it. Well, it is hard to explain but there is not a day goes by that I don't think about it. You (or at least I) can't spend half your life with someone and not miss them when they are gone.
I hope each and everyone has a safe and very Merry Christmas!
I love y'all!
To be continued................
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